Opening Hours: I–V 8–20 h; VI-VII 9–20 h
  Contact: +370 650 64996

Specialist medical counseling

Atnaujinta: 2018 January 3, 06:39

gydytojų specialistų konsultacijos

Suaugusiųjų ligų gydytojai specialistai

  • Cardiologists diagnose and treat cardiovascular disease (atherosclerosis, heart defects, arrhythmias, hypertension, angina pectoris, etc.).
  • Neurologists diagnose, treat central and peripheral nervous system disorders and diseases (cerebrovascular disorders, insomnia, headaches, pain in the spine and pathology, post-traumatic disorders, tumors, migraines, etc.).
  • Therapists (internal medicine doctors) diagnose and treat acute and chronic gastrointestinal tract, lungs, joints, heart, endocrine system and other internal organs diseases.
  • Angiosurgeon (vascular surgeons) diagnose and treat various diseases in vascular pathology (limfostazes, deep venous thrombosis, varicose veins, etc.).

  • Echoscopy ultrasound (ultrasound) study and evaluate the different organs of the state, determined by pathological pelvis, thyroid, joints, abdominal organs, heart lesions.
  • Otorhinolaryngologist (ear, nose and throat doctors) diagnose and treat throat, ear, nose diseases (auditory nerve inflammation, laryngitis, angina, and nonpurulent purulent otitis media, sinusitis, etc.).
  • Nutritionists advise healthy diet and nutrition, heal obesity, eating disorders, investigating body composition, muscle mass, basal metabolic rate, recommends a customized exercise, daily caloric content, determines the biological age. It works with scales – body analyzer e-BODY 205th
  • Urologists diagnosing and treating urinary tract, prostate, bladder diseases (acute and chronic prostatitis, urinary disorders, benign prostatic hyperplasia, etc.).
  • Gynecologists diagnose and treat gynecological diseases (ovarian cysts, uterine myoma, endometriosis and so on.), Diagnose early pregnancy, advises and supervises the pregnant woman, the sequence of fetal growth and development, as well as sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Endocrinologists diagnose and treat diabetes, hormonal imbalances, thyroid pathologies, etc.).
  • Dermatovenereologists diagnoses and treats the skin, mucosal diseases, sexually transmitted infections.

Furthermore, a dermatologist in our clinic treatment will Intense Pulsed Light Therapy (JPL) method. This is a new and efficient method for the dermatology and cosmetology, extending the laser and light therapy Pulse technological feasibility.

IPL procedures concerning:

  • Facial pigmentation removal.
  • Acne treatment.
  • Intense red cheeks removal.
  • “In star” hemangioma removal.
  • Facial rejuvenation (IPL, fotoatjauninimas)
  • Neck rejuvenation.
  • Neckline rejuvenation.
  • Hands rejuvenation.
  • Hair removal procedure eyebrow area.
  • Hair removal procedure of the upper lip area;
  • Hair removal procedure chin;
  • Hair removal procedure forearm area;
  • Hair removal proceedings upper arm;
  • Hair removal bikini area of the field;
  • Hair removal procedure legs, chest, abdomen, back, shoulder, armpit areas.
  • Wart removal.
  • Birthmark removal.
  • Wrinkle filling.
  • Botulinum toxin injection sweat reduction.

It is also applicable to laser treatment with a psychologist help eliminate nicotine dependence.

  • Psychiatrists diagnosing and treating mental illness (alcohol dependence and nicotine, depression, schizophrenia, eating disorders, etc.).
  • Psychotherapist advises and treats patients with psychological problems and helps the patient find a way out of the resulting complex life situations.
  • Reflexology treats using acupuncture, massage, to help restore the body’s disease disrupted energy balance.
  • We have carried classic clinic, relaxin, anti-cellulite, slimming, relaxing ajuverdinis, toning, ajuverdiniai massages.

Stop smoking with laser assistance

Atnaujinta: 2018 January 3, 09:41Stop smoking laser smoking cessation acute withdrawal symptoms and uncontrollable need to smoke often leads to failure. Nervousness, irritability, depressed mood during the first days of quitting is often very strong.…

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